Saturday, October 15, 2011

Patience, My Friends

So, my few fellows -

I am only re-iterating the self-evident truth that I am on hiatus for the moment.
Please excuse any disturbances to your psyches in my absence. ^-^

I have been and go off to continue an epic battle in my on-going war with bureaucracy.
This long and harrowing ordeal involves all kinds of dramatic action, tense negotiations, obstacles at every milestone along the path, and - of course, as every good action flick should have - an endless paperchase spanning and re-spanning half of the Seoul metropolitan area.

As a side note, it kind of bothered me for a while that my blog title is quite cliche and banal. In the end, I think I've decided to accept it as a reflection of myself. I have always been one for cliches. I'm a sucker for them because my tendency is to take them at face value, without the context of usage and history. I take those words and those situations as they are, as though it were the first time. And when any cliche is looked upon like it is new, it is compelling and beautiful. Cliches have become such because they sparkled so brightly the first time around, people just couldn't forget and let them go.

Perhaps it is only my own folly and rationalization of the mediocrity and un-originality of my nature, but I look the same way at people. I tend to trust as though it were my first time meeting a friend and until that trust is violated in some way, that connection remains a live-wire with zero-ohms of resistance. Even if it is cut, if that cut end is replaced, the current floods just as strong as it once did. Nonetheless, if an electrical current meets resistance in another part of its path, it cannot but get dammed up. The same is true of my love for people.

Funny, how I keep repeating words I've spoken to people already. I seem rather stuck, or like a skipping cd (for the sake of updating that particular cliche ^-~), in the same digital groove of how I relate to people. Maybe it is stability and constancy in one sense. Maybe it is stagnance in another. I don't know.

Huh, now that I've gone ahead and done exactly what I said I *wasn't* going to do - I've never been able to keep my mouth shut for long - I'm back off to clash blades with the gremlins that think they run democracy and snick some fingers off of the offensively shackling appendages we affectionately call red tape. Along with my trusty, almighty paper-shredder I will conquer the many-headed Medusa that is bureaucracy and rid the world of all that is interminably slow and superfluous!

...except for those damned documents I need to, you know, get a cell phone and, oh, not get arrested for existing illegally and the like --

Seoul Searching

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