Saturday, August 27, 2011

Testing...Testing 1-2-3

Hello my lovelies, ^.~ first blog post while in Korea.

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted any sort of blog or other text online aside from messages, emails and such.

I arrived safely (on the 24th of August at 4:35pm to be exact) and was picked up from the airport. I had a rather awkward 40 min. van ride to the hagwon, or academy, to see my boss and to receive notice of my housing. About 99% of the ride there was in total silence with only background music of some acoustic covers of Beyonce. I didn't know whether it would make the driver guy uncomfortable to try and make conversation like i normally do or just continue in silence and refrain from bothering him. Were it not a work setting, I probably would have pushed for some conversation, but I honestly didn't know how to handle this situation and he felt pretty closed. He was nice and well-mannered and polite, but felt closed. In this case, I took my mother's advice and kept my mouth shut. I still question whether that was the right thing to do...

I really should be sleeping now because I have to see Sara Davidson tomorrow morning, but I HAD to at least do a first post by the end of today. ^^

When I arrived at the Ilsan M-Poly school's office, I was told I would have temporary housing until my apartment freed up in about a week, 9/2. I'd had prior notice of this by email, but then we got to the place and I came upon, essentially, a dorm single. With about a foot less space on all sides. Plus a bathroom - within that space. The bed is right next to the foot-and-a-half-wide closet is right next to the bathroom/stall (toilet, sink, shower head all in one!) is right next to the desk with a small TV monitor and an Ethernet cable over a little fridge. In the middle of that panoramic layout is about 2 square feet of floor space - most of which is taken up by the desk chair and my luggage. Haha, so I was told today that I'm actually staying here until the 6th instead of the 2nd, as I was previously told. I guess it's about time I actually unpacked my stuff. ^^;;

I'm going to be glad when I'm actually moving into my apartment. This place isn't bad, but I can't control the temperature and such. I don't mind being cramped a bit. Rachel An adjusts pretty quickly, eh?

The day after I arrived, I pretty much just walked all around this area of Ilsan. There's Lake Park (direct translation) just across the street from this large building I'm in (and directions in Korea are done by buildings, by the way, not street names. Interestingly enough). The park is green, goes all the way around, as well as through, the lake and is a nice, long track. I reeaally enjoy being right across the street for it. So far, I've gone out walking/jogging every morning! The rest of Ilsan, is pretty much like a small, slightly cooled-down cross-section of Seoul. It's busy with lights and signs and tall buildings and many little stores and restaurants, but it's not quite as packed.

My first day at work...

I'm starting with a few unpaid days of training (written into my contract). However, my full training period is 2 weeks. My first day was pretty much just observing other teachers teaching classes and then doing a little one-page reflection at the end of the night. It seems like the work nights are going to be kind of long and rather tiring, but I guess I won't be taking too much work home - or so I sincerely hope.

The teaching staff seems very casual and nice. Well, since most of them are American, Canadian or Korean-American, that would make sense. However, I'm still totally unsure of how I'm supposed to behave towards my superiors. We go back and forth between English and Korean, casual talk and formalities, and I don't know what the expectations are! I'm sure that'll be something I have to watch out for since I don't think enough before I say things. At any rate, I'm tentatively looking forward to working at this place. I just hope that I have time to do some of the other things I wanted to do while in Korea.

Also, just a side note: I am currently residing a few blocks down the street from the Ilsan MBC broadcast studio. I really wish I could do an internship there, but the chances of that are about a zillion to none. ㅠ-ㅠ In any case, I'll have to figure out what I can do in my "free time" after I've settled in a little. Nonetheless, I'm looking forward to having a good time at least this weekend with my crazy, but adorably lovable friend Sara! ^-^ Thanks to everyone who's been wishing me well and God bless~

Seoul Searching
(hint: this is pretty much what the title means, but with a twist ^^)